The last day of school for seniors will be Monday, May 4th and the last day of school for all other students will be Monday, May 11th. We will be utilizing remote learning planning days and our unused emergency days from May 12 to May 22 which will only involve staff, not students. More information specific to senior students and information in regard to picking up of student personal items and returning loaner Chromebooks, wifi hotspots, library books, etc. will be communicated out next week.
over 4 years ago, Cody Martzluf
Great job IB community! Keep those Micro-Pantry donations coming-specifically soap, shampoo, dish soap, and laundry detergent. #ibtigerpride
over 4 years ago, Keith Brown
School Closure Update:
over 4 years ago, Cody Martzluf
To all our student athletes, parents, and community members that have always supported our students: The IHSA will have a board meeting next Tuesday, April 21st. At that time they will decide the direction of the spring sport seasons.
over 4 years ago, Steve Schafer
The support for the Micro-Food Pantry has been overwhelming. Thank you! Follow this link for a quick video update: Spread the word: As the shutdown continues the need grows. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
Click here for an update on the Micro Food Pantry Inititiatve: #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The Micro Pantry continues to be a resource for the Illini Bluffs community - thanks for all your donations! Please continue to support this initiative by donating food and household items. The need continues to grow as the shutdown continues. #ibtigerpride #ibschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
Thanks to a small, but mighty crew-over 775 lunches and close to 200 bags of produce were packed today. The 2 weeks of lunches will be delivered to families tomorrow. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The Micro Pantry is still doing great. In high demand are canned fruit, laundry detergent, and paper products. Thanks again to everyone for your support! #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The softball team wanted to wish Coach Meyer a Happy Birthday, you can see it here: #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The softball team utilized tech to wish Coach Meyer a Happy Birthday - you can see it here: #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
‪Donations for the Pantry are streaming in! Do not hesitate to come to IBHS Door 5 and take whatever items you may need. If you need anything but you can not make it to the pantry - please call (815)627-0637 and we will get items to you. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup ‬
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
This community is amazing! Keep the donations coming. Please remember to check expiration dates and donate only non-perishable items. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
How do you make roughly 775 student breakfasts & lunches in 30 minutes? A caring staff, great teamwork, and some assembly line ingenuity. Click here to see how it was done: #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
Latest update from Dr. Alvey on COVID-19 -
almost 5 years ago, Cody Martzluf
Video message from Pastor Ethan Carnes in regard to the Illini Bluffs Community Micro Pantry Initiative -
almost 5 years ago, Cody Martzluf
Message from Pastor Ethan Carnes in regard to the Illini Bluffs Community Micro Pantry Initiative.
almost 5 years ago, Cody Martzluf
Illini Bluffs Community Micro Pantry Initiative A community partnership to help provide district residents obtain food and staple items during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Please click here for more information - #ibtigerpride
almost 5 years ago, Cody Martzluf
Latest district communication in regard to COVID-19 -
almost 5 years ago, Roger Alvey
Meal Delivery Program - March 16, 2020 Parents and students, Illini Bluffs #327 is offering to deliver meals to all students in need on any SCHOOL DAY during the extended closure period. If you are in need of meal delivery during our extended school closure period, please complete the form via the link below before 9am on Tuesday, March 17. One form needs to be filled out per child once for the duration of the closure. If you already received a phone call from our office staff, you do not need to fill this form out. Meal Delivery Form: Meal delivery will take place between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., and will include a cold sack lunch and a breakfast item for the following morning. If you have any questions in regard to meal delivery, please contact our food service department at 309.389.5025 ext. 7 or Also, the Glasford Methodist Church has graciously offered to continue their Tiger Treat program which provides snacks to needy students on weekends. We will be delivering the Tiger Treats on Fridays with the meal delivery program. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support as we navigate this difficult time. Dr. Roger Alvey, Superintendent
almost 5 years ago, Roger Alvey