We have a middle school special education teacher opening. Please click on the link for more information. https://5il.co/gufj
over 4 years ago, Cody Martzluf
The AR Summer Reading program begins June 1st for all 1st - 5th grade students. Students can read books from home or go to MyOn.com. Students can use an AR login to access MyOn.com. Parents check your email for information about AR Summer Reading and how to get signed up.
over 4 years ago, Janet Huene
Congratulations to Harlow McKeever and Crew Fortin for receiving the Central Illinois Valley IPA Student Leadership Award. These are two outstanding students who show leadership in academics, attendance and character. You make IBES proud!
over 4 years ago, Janet Huene
The need is still there within our community. The IB Food Pantry is in need of these items: Paper towels, toilet paper, size 4,5, or 6 diapers, tampons, canned fruit, canned lunch items like spaghettios, & Ramen noodles. We can’t thank you enough for your continued support!
over 4 years ago, Steve Schafer
A message from the IB Christmas HOPE organization: As we round the corner into another month of isolation and uncertainty due to COVID-19, we here at IB Christmas HOPE would like to help those in need within our IB Community in some small way. We will be offering a few household and food supplies for those that need a little help. If this is something you believe would benefit your household, please fill out the COVID-19 relief application on our website at http://www.IBChristmasHOPE.com by Monday, May 11, 2020. If you know of someone who does not have access to the internet, please have them call us at (309) 253-6993 by the deadline of Monday, May 11, 2020. Below are the facts you need to be aware of for participation of the COVID-19 basket: 1) You MUST reside within the Illini Bluffs School District to qualify. 2) This deadline is final – no exceptions - as we will only be purchasing for boxes on those who have completed the online application or called us. *We are at the mercy of the deliveries for the stores who are helping us and additional shopping would not be practicing the best stay-at-home guidelines for our workers. 3) The boxes are for pick-up only. *To ensure the safety of both the recipients and the workers no deliveries will be made. Please be sure you can make the commitment to pick your box up or have someone willing to pick-up your box prior to filling out the application. 4) Our projected pick-up date: *Saturday, May 23, 2020 *Please practice good socializing skills by wearing a mask at the time of pick-up. *Additional information will be communicated to the basket recipients. Website: http://www.IBChristmasHOPE.com Phone number: (309) 253-6993
over 4 years ago, Cody Martzluf
We are grateful for all of our amazing educators! Be sure to show your appreciation for teachers this week. #ibtigerpride
over 4 years ago, Keith Brown
The last day of school for seniors will be Monday, May 4th and the last day of school for all other students will be Monday, May 11th. We will be utilizing remote learning planning days and our unused emergency days from May 12 to May 22 which will only involve staff, not students. More information specific to senior students and information in regard to picking up of student personal items and returning loaner Chromebooks, wifi hotspots, library books, etc. will be communicated out next week.
over 4 years ago, Cody Martzluf
Great job IB community! Keep those Micro-Pantry donations coming-specifically soap, shampoo, dish soap, and laundry detergent. https://www.pjstar.com/photogallery/IP/20200423/PHOTOGALLERY/423009998/PH/1. #ibtigerpride
over 4 years ago, Keith Brown
School Closure Update: https://5il.co/f8cn
almost 5 years ago, Cody Martzluf
The support for the Micro-Food Pantry has been overwhelming. Thank you! Follow this link for a quick video update: https://youtu.be/hXAP9-qtQB8. Spread the word: As the shutdown continues the need grows. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
Click here for an update on the Micro Food Pantry Inititiatve: https://youtu.be/cLcIQAmTdPI #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The Micro Pantry continues to be a resource for the Illini Bluffs community - thanks for all your donations! Please continue to support this initiative by donating food and household items. The need continues to grow as the shutdown continues. #ibtigerpride #ibschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
Thanks to a small, but mighty crew-over 775 lunches and close to 200 bags of produce were packed today. The 2 weeks of lunches will be delivered to families tomorrow. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The Micro Pantry is still doing great. In high demand are canned fruit, laundry detergent, and paper products. Thanks again to everyone for your support! #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The softball team wanted to wish Coach Meyer a Happy Birthday, you can see it here: https://youtu.be/F3mMOjmu-r4 #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
The softball team utilized tech to wish Coach Meyer a Happy Birthday - you can see it here: https://youtu.be/F3mMOjmu-r4. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
‪Donations for the Pantry are streaming in! Do not hesitate to come to IBHS Door 5 and take whatever items you may need. If you need anything but you can not make it to the pantry - please call (815)627-0637 and we will get items to you. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup ‬
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
This community is amazing! Keep the donations coming. Please remember to check expiration dates and donate only non-perishable items. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
How do you make roughly 775 student breakfasts & lunches in 30 minutes? A caring staff, great teamwork, and some assembly line ingenuity. Click here to see how it was done: https://youtu.be/ccObS1Ezth0. #ibtigerpride #ilschoolsstepup
almost 5 years ago, Keith Brown
Latest update from Dr. Alvey on COVID-19 - https://5il.co/e038
almost 5 years ago, Cody Martzluf