The IB Christmas Hope Organization is sponsoring an Angel Tree Gift Card Drive for the 2023 holiday season. The drive will run through December 15.
The purpose of the Angel Tree Gift Card Drive is to collect gift cards to provide to our 6th -12th grade students in need and send a little holiday cheer their way. We currently have identified about 100 students in this age group that would benefit from the drive this holiday season.
Our hope is to provide each child with a $25 gift card along with a small wrapped gift.
If you would like to help us meet our goal, please purchase a gift card that you feel a child in this age group would enjoy and return the gift card to the Illini Bluffs Administration Office, 9611 S. Hanna City-Glasford Rd., Glasford, IL 61533 by Friday, December 15. You may also make a cash donation, if you prefer, and we will gladly take care of the shopping for you.
Your assistance with our effort to spread kindness and joy this holiday season is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Webb at 389-2231, Ext. 1057 or e-mail

Angel Tree Gift Card Drive
December 5, 2023