December 5, 2023
The IB Christmas Hope Organization is sponsoring an Angel Tree Gift Card Drive for the 2023 holiday season. The drive will run through December 15. The purpose of the Angel Tr...

November 21, 2023
At the November meeting, the Illini Bluffs #327 school board unanimously approved hiring Mr. Jason Pollitt as high school principal for the 2024-2025 school year. Jason replaces D...
November 13, 2023
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Illini Bluffs #327 School District Comprehensive Strategic Plan Glasford, Illinois - November 13, 2023 - Illini Bluffs Community School District #327 is ex...

October 30, 2023
Each year, Illini Bluffs joins forces with area churches and a local not-for-profit organization called IB Christmas Hope to fill food baskets for families in our community during...

September 26, 2023
Illini Bluffs is hosting College Prep Strategist Jason Franklin, who will present a 4-part series over two nights - November 2nd and 9th from 6-8 pm. Jason will be talking to pare...

September 5, 2023
Parents/Guardians, I hope your school year is going well! I want to update you on our continuing efforts to improve school safety and security. We will be conducting an Evacua...
July 28, 2023
IB Families, Check out the summer district newsletter for lots of important information! https://5il.co/20j37
February 22, 2023
At the February board meeting, the Illini Bluffs CUSD #327 Board of Education unanimously approved a transition plan as part of the district’s strategic planning efforts. The ...

October 19, 2022
Held during the third full week of October each year, National School Bus Safety Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of school bus safety. This week, our b...

July 11, 2022
IB Families, Online registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now available via TeacherEase. Please log in to your TeacherEase parent account, click on the misc. menu, and ...

July 6, 2022
Illini Bluffs High School will continue offering the Tiger CUBS Early Childhood Education program in August 2022! This letter will give you general information about our progra...

June 1, 2022
State Softball is this Friday (6/3) at the Louisville Slugger sports complex in Peoria at 10:00am. Come cheer on the Tigers as they take on Newark! Only digital tickets will b...

May 27, 2022
Dear IB Families,
This week, a horrific tragedy occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. What happened is unimaginable with the loss of life involving children and ad...

May 23, 2022
Mrs. Jatkowski's FCS class put in endless hours of work to design and construct these beautiful quilts this semester. We are so proud of these students for their incredible creati...

May 7, 2022
The Weather may have delayed the full scale emergency response drill scheduled for today. However, the rain did not prevent an opportunity for IBHS students to learn more about the...
May 4, 2022
On Friday, May 6th (weather permitting) local first responders will partner with Life Flight to conduct an emergency response drill. Captain Chris Bersin, of the Logan-Trivoli FPD...

April 27, 2022
I am sharing a thank you update from Faith and Steve Gray who spearheaded this year's IB After Prom. I want to thank the Gray's, and the countless parents, who helped make IB Aft...
April 20, 2022
IBHS summer driver education registration is now open. Classes will run from May 31st - July 12th (excluding Memorial Day & Fourth of July). Please complete and return the reg...

April 15, 2022
On Friday, April 15th, Community Hour students and teachers spent the morning focused on Community Service. Students and teachers collaborated to create meaningful service experi...

March 24, 2022
Good Morning,
It is difficult to believe that prom/after-prom is now less than a month away and both events are coming together to create a great experience for students. I am...