Teachers, parents, guardians, and fourth-graders through twelfth graders across Illinois are encouraged to participate in the Illinois 5Essentials Survey to share their thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness and help guide school improvement.
Survey Window: February 18, 2025 - March 28, 2025
Access the surveys here: https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/
The 5Essentials Survey will be administered online on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. The research-based survey identifies five indicators that can lead to important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. Research has shown that schools strong on these indicators are 10 times more likely to improve student learning. The five indicators are:
Effective Leaders: The principal works with teachers to implement a clear and strategic vision for school success.
Collaborative Teachers: The staff is committed to the school, receives strong professional development, and works together to improve the school.
Involved Families: The entire school staff builds strong relationships with families and communities to support learning.
Supportive Environment: The school is safe and orderly. Teachers have high expectations for students and support students to realize their goals. Classmates also support one another.
Ambitious Instruction: Classes are academically demanding and engage students by emphasizing the application of knowledge.
All parents are encouraged to take this survey - whether your child is in an early childhood program, elementary school or middle school. If parents have more than one child at a school, they can complete one survey for each child. Parents with children enrolled in multiple schools may take the survey for each school. It takes about 10 minutes to complete a parent survey, and it is completely confidential - your answers will not be tied to you or your student.
The parent survey results will only be generated by the state if at least 20 percent of parents at a school respond to the survey. If at least 20 percent of parents participate, this data will be made available to principals.
Student Survey – for 4th through 12th grade
Illinois is only allowing 4th through 12th graders to take the survey. Students can take the survey at school and will be given time.
Teacher Survey
All teachers will be asked to take the survey. The State Board of Education is only administering the survey to certified teachers whose primary responsibility involves teaching students for the majority of the school day and year.
The identities of those taking the survey will be kept completely confidential and survey responses will not be linked to any individual. More information can be found online at https://www.isbe.net/Pages/5Essentials-Survey.aspx.