Dear Parents,
We are excited to see our in-person learners tomorrow and to start working with our remote learners. We have been working very hard to provide a safe, healthy learning environment. With that said, there is something that the parents of our in-person learners absolutely need to do on a daily basis to keep our children and staff members safe and healthy. Each morning, before your children leave the house, you will need to self-certify, for each child, that they are COVID symptom-free using your parent TeacherEase account. Please click on the link below for a short video on how this is to be done starting tomorrow morning. It is critical that you do not send sick children to school. Once your children arrive at school, they will go through a secondary temperature screening to confirm they are fever-free. Thank you again for your cooperation and we look forward to a great school year.
TeacherEase parent app info:
COVID-19 Self-Certification For Parents
August 18, 2020