Pink Out Night, Thursday, Oct. 24, at 6 p.m.! Volleyball will play against Knoxville High School. The annual Chuck-a-Duck contest will include raffle baskets, baked goods, prizes, and more! Wear pink and come out to support. Proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
3 months ago, Jason Pollitt
Pink Out
After thousands of miles driven, we congratulate bus driver Dan Meyer on his retirement. We appreciate Dan’s dedication to our school district and all the care he has given our kids over the years. Thank you, Dan, and enjoy your retirement! #ibtigerpride
3 months ago, Cody Martzluf
All three performances of Shrek:The Musical were sold out this weekend! It was an unforgettable experience, with the cast and crew delivering outstanding performances every show! A huge thank you to everyone who came out to support Great job to our talent students and staff!
3 months ago, Katrina Craven
Congratulations Crew Fortin! Crew finished 10th at the IHSA Golf State Finals today and earned a spot at the medal podium. We are so proud of his hard work! #ibtigerpride
3 months ago, Dimitri Almasi
Congratulations to Audrey Dickinson; she is your IESA 2A Girls State Cross Country Runner-Up! Congratulations, Audrey, on your spectacular season! We also extend our congratulations to all the state-qualifying runners and coaches for a fantastic season. On Monday, October 21st, we will celebrate with a fire truck escort starting at the American Legion at 8:00 AM, followed by a reception at 8:10 AM in the Middle School gym to honor all our state athletes. #ibtigerpride
3 months ago, Jeremy Ball
Crew Fortin and Sarah Finn both advance to the second round of the IHSA State Golf Finals! During tomorrow's second round, Sarah will tee off at 8:57 AM at Red Trail Run in Decatur, and Crew will tee off at 8:39 AM at Prairie Vista in Bloomington. IHSA will post live updates via iWanamaker's webpage: #ibtigerpride
3 months ago, Dimitri Almasi
What a phenomenal opening night for Shrek the Musical! It was a standing-room-only performance, and our cast and crew blew us away! There are still two more chances to catch this incredible show this weekend. We are so proud of our talented students! #ibtigerpride
3 months ago, Dimitri Almasi
Congratulations to the IBES terrific tiger winners today- We are so proud of all of the students for working hard to show the terrific tiger traits each and every day! Keep up the great work! #ibtigerpride
3 months ago, Katrina Craven
Good luck to our three IBMS cross-country runners, Finley Bailliez, Whitney Parker, and Audrey Dickinson, at tomorrow's state competition! We’re so proud of your hard work and dedication this season. The event will take place at Maxwell Park in Normal, with the girls' race starting at 10:45 and the boys' race at 11:30. We know you'll give it your all—go show them what it means to have #ibtigerpride!
3 months ago, Jeremy Ball
Good luck to our IBHS golfers, Sara Finn and Crew Fortin! They are competing at IHSA State Golf today! #ibtigerpride
3 months ago, Dimitri Almasi
Today, Marji Wolfe and her team from Better Banks held our annual Sophomore Seminar to discuss banking, savings, auto-loans, and personal finance. A big thank you Better Banks for continuing this learning experience for our students! #ibtigerpride
4 months ago, Dimitri Almasi
After today's dress rehearsal for Shrek: The Musical, the IBES students enjoyed giving some of the Shrek characters high fives for an amazing performance! The IBES students had a great time at the play preview today! #ibtigerpride
4 months ago, Katrina Craven
Our 1st through 5th grade IBES students had the exciting opportunity to attend the dress rehearsal for Shrek: The Musical, presented by the drama department! The students loved the sneak peek, and we can’t wait for you to see the full performances this weekend at the IBHS Theater. Showtimes are Friday and Saturday night at 7:30 PM, and Sunday at 2:30 PM. We hope to see you there for these spectacular shows!
4 months ago, Katrina Craven
Congrats to our MS Cross Country Team on a fantastic sectional. These 3 individuals qualified for the IESA State Championship next weekend.: Girls- Audrey Dickinson (1st) and Whitney Parker (7th) Boys- Finley Bailliez (17th)
4 months ago, Steve Schafer
There's so much to do in the library! Students can visit our resident skeleton, created by Ms. Rob's students, enjoy our collection of classic Goosebumps cover art courtesy of Mr. Hallstrom's classes, add to our creepy sticker art mural, or find the perfect spooky season read!
4 months ago, Jason Pollitt
The IBHS Drama Club & Drama Boosters are proud to present Shrek the Musical October 18th & 19th at 7:30pm and October 20th at 2:30pm. We encourage you to support the 60 students in 5th-12th grades have worked to craft this production. Pre-sale tickets are on sale October 15th-18th in the high school office--$7 for students and senior citizens and $10 for adults. Children 3 and under are free--However, you should request a ticket ahead of time if they will take up a seat. Tickets will be on sale at the door on show nights.
4 months ago, Jason Pollitt
Congratulations to the Terrific Tiger Winners this week! The IBES staff is proud of all of our students for showing terrific tiger traits every day! #ibtigerpride
4 months ago, Katrina Craven
We are excited to announce the opening of our "Tiger Team Store!"   Our Tiger Team Store is a student-run enterprise through our Business Management & Entrepreneurship class at IBHS.  The class provides students the opportunity to learn the process of analyzing a business opportunity, preparing a business plan, determining feasibility by utilizing research, and developing an action plan to organize and successfully operate a business. From concept to reality, the team store students work hard to bring their ideas to life! The Tiger Team Store will be at parent-teacher conferences tonight in the ES, all home basketball games this season, and pop-up stores throughout the district at events! If you have questions or would like to place an order, please email Ms.Courtney at We currently only accept cash or checks!   Thank you for your support and patience! Go Tigers! #ibtigerpride
4 months ago, Dimitri Almasi
Congratulations to Delaney O'Connor, Class of 2024, for winning first prize in the Illinois American Legion Essay Contest! This impressive accomplishment came with a $1200 prize. Way to go, Delaney!"
4 months ago, Jason Pollitt
2024 Homecoming Court
4 months ago, Jason Pollitt